The museum will host the Salado Cowboy Poetry and Music Gathering’s matinee concert on May 6, 2023 at 1 p.m. Featured performers are Don Cadden, Kristyn Harris, Floyd and Valerie, Straw Berry and Washtub Jerry.
The goal of the Salado Cowboy Poetry and Music Gathering is bringing together a group of poets, musicians, and storytellers who are doing their part to preserve the cultural heritage of the American West. This gathering will give these performers an opportunity to share their talents. These men and women are now, or have been in the past, a part of the working cowboy environment. This is the 3rd year that Salado has hosted this event and the hope is to make it the best in the country by offering the true “working cowboy” culture and heritage. Cowboy poetry, music, and story telling is born in the dust of hard work.
Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at www.centraltexastickets.com. More information about the concert, musicians, and other events on May 6th can be found at https://saladocowboypoetry.org/.