We are hosting our first-ever ART CONTEST FUNdraiser here at the Salado Museum and College Park.
These beautiful prints of the original museum building were distributed to the Salado Schools – students are invited to use their imagination and creativity to embellish their print with paint, markers, crayons, collage, mixed media, etc.
1. Create your masterpiece.
2. Return your creation with $1 entry fee to the Museum at 423 N. Main Street beginning May 1st.
3. Works will be on exhibit at the museum and visitors can cast their votes for the winner with $1/vote or $5/six votes or $20/25 votes. Tell your friends and family to go vote for yours!
TWO winners from each school will be announced on May 22nd. First place from each school will win an art class with Salado artist, Michael Pritchett and runners-up will receive a gift certificate to the General Store.
Questions or want to get a print for your school or home school? Contact Museum Director Lynette Jones at director@saladomuseum.org or 254-718-0820.