Piping and Drumming
**All events will be on SATURDAY 9 November 2024**
- Registration Deadline Wednesday 16 October 2024 – NO late registrations, NO field entries
- Solo Events begin at 8:15 am – gate/check in open from 7:30 am
- Opening Ceremonies and Parade begin at 12:00 noon. All registered bands meet at the parade start at Thomas Arnold Rd and Main St. at 11:30 am.
- Band Events in the afternoon

In recent years, the Lilt has been performed both in this country and in Scotland. The dress is different from the kilt worn in the Highland Games. The girls wear what is called the Aboyne Dress, named for the Aboyne Highland Games in Scotland where it is forbidden for women to wear the kilt. This dance are very graceful in appearance.
The Piobaireachd
The Piobaireachd is the classic music of the great Highland bagpipe. It can be mournful or exultant, but it always has a spirit of grandeur which accords with the wild mountains and dark glens. This is the “Great Music” that is used to welcome the chief’s new heir into the world or to mourn the passing of a warrior.
The Individual Drumming
The judge is considering the introductory rolls, tone of drum, tempo, execution, rhythm and expression of quality and variety of beatings. Drumming contestants are always accompanied by one or two pipers

Individual Piping
When watching these events, remember that the judge is considering the tone and tuning of the bagpipes being played. Timing, expression and execution of the movements required in the tune are most important.
The name Tattoo is used to describe a musical interlude of invitation and responses between military and pipe bands. The word ‘tattoo’ comes from the closing-time cry in the inns in the Low Countries during the 17th and 18th centuries – ‘Doe den tap toe’ (‘Turn off the taps’). Our event is usually a concert of some of the best entertainment in our festival. It usually begins and ends with the playing of a lone piper.
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